
To my faithful readers and followers:

If you are still coming to this site to read my spiritual insights and reflections, I want to remind you that I have moved that subject to Here’s why (from post on January 1, 2010):

Today marks 1 year since I have started this blog. This blog has taken a different direction than I anticipated. In my January 8, 2009 blog, I stated that I wanted to bring “New Thoughts about Leadership.” I hope I have done that for you. I hope I have opened eyes in a new way. What surprised me, however, is that my new thoughts on leadership focused on my own journey with God; a journey of faith exploration and spiritual leadership. As a result of this 1 year journey, I have decided to start a new blog entitled “Faithscape” to further explore my faith journey, without confusing those seeking information on leadership (via Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc) to find something entirely different.

However, to my faithful readers/followers, you can still follow me on “Upward Edge” and on my new blog site “Faithscape” to see how one’s faith journey is intertwined to servant leadership and the transformation of lives. You can find my new blog at or going to my favorite links to your bottom right.

I will continue “Upward Edge” with its focus on leadership principles and today’s business leadership concepts and less about my personal spiritual journey. However, the bottom line, I want to teach, I want to inspire and lead people to fulfill their leadership passions whether it is in their faith community or in their secular organizations. My wish, my hope today as it was in 2009 “is to re-create, to bring new thoughts to old sayings and beliefs; to write about leadership, in particular, “transforming servant” leadership in a new and different way” (Upward Edge, January 8, 2009).

So again, I invite you to stay with me at Upward Edge, but also if you are so inclined to join me at Faithscape ( My recent post on Faithscape is always listed to your right of this blogsite. Thanks again for your support.

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What People Value in Leaders

I am currently reading a book entitled, Leaders Who Last by Dave Kraft (2010). Although the book is written for those who wants to excel in spiritual leadership, the points made in the book are applicable to leadership in general.

In his chapter entitled, The Leader’s Character, Kraft shares with us that a sponsored survey of nearly 1,500 business managers revealed that the managers desire a boss who is truthful, trustworthy and who has convictions. In other words, the business managers surveyed admire superiors with intergity. Mr. Kraft then quoted the late legendary basketball coach John Wooden from Coach Wooden’s book, They Call Me Coach. I think it is a wise quote so I will print it here for all us to review and remember.

Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” (Wooden, 1972, p.62).

Until next time; lead on.

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Leaders In Today’s World

Upward EdgeWhat does it take to be a leader in today’s world? I believe it is the ability to see new things and to articulate that vision in a new way. It is the ability and willingness to take people in new directions.

You can be that leader. It takes vision, courage and having the right words to encourage and to persuade. It takes the ability to recognize your assets and the willingness to put your assets to the test. It is the willingness to fail and to allow others to fail. Finally, it is believing in yourself and your willingness to risk for a greater cause.

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A Simple Thought

A Leader must always re-invent himself. He must take risks to keep the passion alive. ……… ……………………….A simple thought, but hard to do.


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More Leadership Tidbits

• Be confident. See the potential in yourself; others see it.

• What’s your leadership brand—problem solver, visionary, analytical/detail-oriented, etc.

• Find a mentor to help your branding and to boost your confidence.

• Attitude is everything. You must believe in what you are doing.

• Find time to stay informed (study, read, discuss and exchange ideas, etc) about your “product.”

• Don’t send out mixed messages—doing what is popular versus what is right or acting out on impulses.

• Be true to who you are. Integrity is everything.

• Seek out opportunities to learn, to teach and to lead

• Seek excellence in all that you do. This requires a commitment to hard work, a spirit of adventure, having an upbeat, expectant attitude and Christian Love (Presentation from Rev. Arlene Ackerman, 4/24/2005). Finally,

• Seek to be a role model. Many run away from that job now, especially athletes, but I think it critical to be a role model for our youth, for our peers and especially for those we supervise in our jobs and those we lead in other areas of our lives.

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